Saturday, December 10, 2011


There is quite the dust up over the removal of the traditional talent trees in Mists of Pandaria. Many people are concerned with only getting 6 points to spend versus the 41 points we see today. Some argue that all the talents are PVP talents that they have no interest in acquiring.

I think the removal of talent trees is a good idea and I am going to illustrate why. But first, one of my favorite quotes from Civilization IV as narrated by Spock.

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."  --  Antoine de Saint-Exuper

Using the Retribution Paladin as an example, let's stroll over to Elitist Jerks and check out the current "cookie cutter" build. There we find a 7/2/31 build with one point left over. There are 3 talent points that are optional, the remaining point can be placed in any tree. So, the current 41 point talent system only allows for 3 choices when playing a Retribution Paladin.

Taking a closer look at the talents you can "choose" we see the talent Eye for an Eye is the proven mathematical dps talent to choose. Taking 2 points in Eye for an Eye leaves you with only 1 point remaining to be spent anywhere you please. After spending 40 talent points you are now left with only one decision. Of course that is not counting the choice you made to use the right talent build or the wrong one. So technically you made two choices. Good job! You're a Decider!

The problem with "cookie cutter" builds is they are mathematically the "right" build to be using. Choosing between the right or wrong talents is not interesting game design. This is the problem Blizzard is correcting in Mists of Pandaria by removing talent trees.

As far as the critics that see only PVP talents in Mists of Pandaria, just because a talent doesn't directly damage an enemy does not make it a PVP talent. My advice to you is to embrace the new talents, look for ways to use them, you will be surprised how useful all these PVP talents really are.

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