Monday, December 26, 2011

Presenting: Gar UI

Garwulf over at the Huntsman's Lodge has put together an incredible custom Hunter UI addon pack complete with configuration script available from WoWinterface. Please take a gander at his blog post on the subject and try not to drool on the keyboard.

Gar's UI is built for a Hunter, but there is nothing keeping the lesser classes from taking advantage of his meticulous work.

After some slight modification, and tinkering with some of the addons which I have never used before, I present to you, my own in game UI based on Gar UI.

So pretty...
After watching KIN Raiders take on Deathwing, I took some tips from several of their UI's, which were altogether very messy, but functional. The main tip I got from KIN Raiders was a very large/wide cast bar. This makes the cast bar very easy to see out of your peripheral vision, meaning you do not have to focus in on the cast bar. This allows you to pay closer attention to the fire or the slime you are standing in.

One thing I noticed about the KIN Raiders that I did not assimilate into my own UI was an enormous DPS meter, showing nearly every player in the raid and scaled overly large for my taste. It is possible the players shown in the video were officers or raid leaders/assists and were in charge of supervising everyone else.


  1. I also made the switch to GarUI, and I like it a lot. It's the first UI pack I've tried that I can assimilate. Others were to complicated and messy.

  2. I agree, Kalven. Some of the other UI packs even handcuff further customization, GarUI does not.
