Thursday, December 1, 2011

Always the Bride's Maid, Never the Bride

Since I was unsubscribed from WoW when Firelands came out I missed out on the Thrall story line. This was definitely some lore that I wanted to see first hand in game, so I set off to find the quest giver. The basic plot is that the Shamans and Druids are working together to heal the World Tree in order to repair the elements. The ritual is interrupted by Fandral Staghelm who is now part of the Twilight's Hammer cult.

Thrall ends up shattered into the four elements and Aggra takes you on a quest to battle the elements and free Thrall. Each quest has you killing several elemental mobs while Thrall wrestles with his inner demons. You get some insight into Thrall's emotions, his doubt about laying down the mantle of warchief, his personal sacrifices for the Horde, and his anger with various people, including Garrosh.

When Thrall is restored, you get a pretty nice cloak, and are witness to the bonding of Thrall and Aggra as life mates. I found it interesting that Jaina Proudmore was even present at the ceremony, though she says nothing and is not acknowledged in any fashion. For a few year there, Blizzard was leading us to believe a romance between Jaina and Thrall was all but certain. Aggra, if you do not know, is a Mag'har from Nagrand. She was the Greatmother Geyah's apprentice and trained Thrall before the Cataclysm struck. Thrall was seeking help in communicating with the elements in order to prevent the Cataclysm.

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